Copenhagen Chess Challenge 2019

15 - 19 May, 2019

The 15th version of the Copenhagen Chess Challenge tournament is organised by one of the largest chess clubs in Denmark: "BMS Skak". The tournament is played from Wednesday 15th of May and until and including Sunday 19th of May 2019, which is the weekend of the Danish holiday "Store Bededag" (Friday 17th of May). The tournament is intended to provide norm opportunities, GM norms as well as IM norms, and is targeted primarily towards players with ELO, young chess players, title holders, and ambitions club players. As in the previous years, the tournament will have a strong field, thanks to our sponsors.

The tournament will be a 9 rounds Swiss tournament, played at the site of the chessclub "BMS Skak": Tapeten, Magleparken 5, DK-2750 Ballerup – situated approximately 15 km west of the centre of Copenhagen. Zleep Hotel for accommodation close to the playing site.

Tentative playing schedule
Round 1, Wednesday 15 May, 18.30 - 23.30
Round 2, Thursday 16 May, 10.00 - 15.00
Round 3, Thursday 16 May, 15.30 - 20.30
Round 4, Friday 17 May, 10.00 - 15.00
Round 5, Friday 17 May, 15.30 - 20.30
Round 6, Saturday 18 May, 10.00 - 15.00
Round 7, Saturday 18 May, 15.30 - 20.30
Round 8, Sunday 19 May, 10.00 - 15.00
Round 9, Sunday 19 May, 15.30 - 20.30
Price ceremony immediately after the last round has ended.

Rate of play / Time control
Each player has 90 minutes for the whole game + 30 sec. per move from move 1 (FIDE time).
It is accepted that players arrive up to 30 minutes late for a game. The game is lost for the player that arrives later than this to a game.

Rules of Play - Notice!
FIDE rules of chess, with the additions stated in this invitation.
The players are not allowed to offer a draw to their opponent before thirty (30) moves have been completed by both players.

1st price: 4000 Danish Kroner (DKK)
2nd price: 3000 Danish Kroner (DKK)
3rd price: 2000 Danish Kroner (DKK)
4th price: 1000 Danish Kroner (DKK)
5th price: 1000 Danish Kroner (DKK)
Additional rating prices of 1000 DKK in each of 4 rating groups.

Attendance fee
Title holders GM, IM, WGM, WIM: Free.
FM, WFM: 600 DKK - If paid before May 1, only 500 DKK.
Players with FIDE rating: 900 DKK - If paid before May 1, only 800 DKK.
Players without FIDE rating: 1000 DKK - If paid before May 1, only 900 DKK.

Payment in advance
The attendance fee can be paid in advance using PayPal to "". Please add player name for each payment, and pay separately for each player.

Arrival and registration
Registration will be possible from around 16.00 hrs at the playing site on the first day of the tournament, 15th of May.
Players shall be registered at the latest 17.30!

Hotel information - Hotel Zleep, Ballerup
If you need accomodation, Hotel Zleep in Ballerup is located close to the playing site (10-15 minutes walking distance), and we have an arrangement with the hotel so you can get a discount of 20% of the hotels flexprice. To book with this discount, you need our registration number with the hotel, so please contact us to get this, in case.
Contact: Tom Skovgaard, BMS Skak. E-mail:

Sign up
Last date for sign up: May 14, 2019.
Use the registration form in the top menu of this home page for sign up.
Or contact: Lars-Henrik Bech Hansen - Mobile phone: +45 27 57 63 58


Xtracon Chess Open
Large Open Tournament in Denmark
20 July - 28 July 2019


Sponsors of CCC


Copenhagen Chess Federation 


Danish Chess Federation


Dansk Skak Union's Støtteforening /
Support Organisation of DCF

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The Chess Club organizing CCC