European Championship Candidate 2016
af Karsten Kjeldsen     2/1-2016

European Championship Candidates 2016

ICCF Zone 1 inviterer til European Championship Candidates 2016. med start den 15.marts 2016.

Deltagelseskrav er følgende:

The following players have the right to participate in the European Championship Candidates :

(a) players rated 2500 or over at the time of entry

(b) holders of the Grandmaster Title

(c) holders of the Senior International Master Title with a rating over 2400 at the time of entry

(d) holders of the International Master Title with a rating over 2450 at the time of entry

(e) those participants of EU Championships semi-finals 68 and 69 who achieved at least 55% scores

(unless they already hold qualification under any of (a) to (d) above) and have not already used this

qualification right

(f) those players who finished 1st or 2nd in a European Championship Semi-Final started after 01/01/2014.

(g) participants of previous or running Finals who have scored at least 45% of the possible points, if they have not earned a higher qualification and have not already used this qualification right

(h) the participants of previous or running Candidates who have scored at least 55% of the possiblepoints, if they have not earned a higher qualification and have not already used this qualification right.

Deltagelsesgebyr er kr. 120,00.

Tilmelding til senest den 15.februar 2016 med angivelse af ICCF nummer , email.